The Corella & Bertram F. Bonner Foundation

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New Environmental Justice Organizer: Guilford College Bonner Scholar X Braithwaite

In the heart of Newark, I found my passion for justice, and it continues to guide my path as an Environmental Justice organizer for Clean Water Action. My experiences growing up in a community burdened by crime, poverty, and environmental inequities have shaped me into the advocate I am today. Through education reform victories and participation in programs like the Bonner Scholar Program, I've learned that change is possible, and together, we can create a more just and sustainable world. Join me on this journey, and let's nurture the change our communities and our planet deserve. 
Growing Up in Newark

Newark, New Jersey, has often been described as an overburdened community, grappling with a complex web of challenges. As a native of this vibrant yet struggling city, I witnessed firsthand the stark realities of crime and poverty. The statistics tell a sobering tale - crime rates that exceeded the national average and poverty levels that made dreams of a better life seem distant. But amid these challenges, I saw something else: resilience and a profound yearning for justice. 

The Spark of Activism

My journey as a social justice organizer began during my first year in high school when I joined the Newark Students' Union. It was a defining moment in my life. The organization served as a catalyst for change, uniting young activists like me who were determined to confront the systemic issues plaguing our community. 

Local Control of Schools

In 2019, during my junior year, our collective efforts bore fruit as we achieved a significant milestone - winning local control of the schools. This victory was a testament to the power of grassroots organizing and the unwavering commitment of our community. It marked a turning point, demonstrating that change is possible, even in the face of formidable challenges. 
Debate Champion

High school was where I honed my skills as a debater, and it was here that I learned the foundations of justice. I qualified for the Tournament of Champions in both my junior and senior years, where I engaged in rigorous debates on critical social and political issues. These experiences taught me the power of persuasive argumentation and the importance of researching and advocating for just causes. 

The Bonner Scholar Program

My journey was further enriched by my participation in the Bonner Scholar Program. This program, rooted in the belief that individuals have the power to effect positive change, provided me with invaluable support, resources, and mentorship. Through Bonner, I honed my organizing skills, deepened my understanding of social justice, and forged connections that continue to shape my journey. 

Passion for Environmental Justice

While my activism began with education reform, my experiences in Newark led me to recognize the interconnectedness of social and Environmental Justice. Environmental injustices disproportionately affect marginalized communities, exacerbating the challenges they face. Witnessing how pollution and environmental degradation further burdened Newark only strengthened my resolve to address these issues. 

Community & Justice Studies

In the Community and Justice Studies program at Guilford College, I had the privilege of exploring systemic injustices and contributing to meaningful dialogues. As a teaching assistant for courses like "Understanding Oppressive Systems," "Restorative and Transformative Justice," and "Understanding Black Women Writers," I fostered a culture of inquiry and activism in the classroom. 
Additionally, I joined a research team for our capstone project, collaborating with "Every Campus a Refuge," an organization dedicated to aiding refugees through college campuses. This experience provided me with insights into grounded research and the importance of community empowerment. It emphasized the significance of listening to and amplifying the voices of those affected by injustices. 
Through our capstone project, we explored innovative ways to support and empower refugees, recognizing the vital role of education and community resources in their integration. This hands-on, community-driven research taught me that true change is rooted in empathy, understanding, and partnership with those we aim to serve. These experiences continue to guide my work as an environmental justice organizer. 

The Journey Ahead 

As I embark on my journey as an Environmental Justice organizer at Clean Water Action, I carry with me the lessons learned from Newark, the power of debate, and the transformative experiences within the Community and Justice Studies program. My goal is to advocate for equitable access to clean air, water, and green spaces, not just in Newark but in communities across the country facing similar struggles. Environmental justice is social justice, and I am committed to being a catalyst for change. 

In the heart of Newark, I found my passion for justice, and it continues to guide my path as the NJ Environmental Justice Organizer at Clean Water Action. My experiences growing up in a community burdened by crime, poverty, and environmental inequities have shaped me into the advocate I am today. Through education reform victories, the Bonner Scholar Program, debate championships, and the immersive experiences in community and justice studies, I've learned that change is possible, and together, we can create a more just and sustainable world. Join me on this journey, and let's nurture the change our communities and our planet deserve. Learn more about our Environmental Justice programs here.