Emory & Henry

Bonner Summer Service in France Launched Teaching Career

Bonner Summer Service in France Launched Teaching Career

This 2009 graduate is grateful to the Bonner Scholars program for the chance to first study abroad.

Lindsay Pulfer Langett teaches French at Jefferson-Forest High School in Bedford County, teaching French II, III, IV and AP classes “while advocating for the cultural importance of language study in a secondary language.” 

“My experience at Emory & Henry, especially as a Bonner scholar, prepared me for my future career and adult life. Volunteering taught me the importance of interacting with the community.  With the assistance of Bonner, I was able to go to France for the first time the summer after my Freshman year to do volunteer work. This opened my eyes to international travel and led me toward study abroad. When I was ready to take on that adventure, administration permitted me to personalize my own experience by allowing me to choose my own study abroad program and provided me with the accommodations that I needed. Upon returning to campus, my education classes and student teaching experience were instrumental in preparing me for my career. I am forever grateful for Emory & Henry!”

Rebecca Madill: Researcher

Rebecca Madill: Researcher

Rebecca Madill wants to make the education of children more effective. For the 2007 E&H graduate, among the chief obstacles to achieving this goal are government policies that are not informed by the best data.

Thankfully, after earning her doctorate degree from Pennsylvania State University in June of 2014, Madill, who resides in Washington, D.C., landed her first job as a research scientist at Child Trends, a non-profit, non-partisan organization that conducts research on the well-being of children.

Hai Yan Chen: Working with Honors Students

Hai Yan Chen: Working with Honors Students

Alumna Hai Yan Chen returned to Emory & Henry College last year to work in the Honors Program, the same organization she participated in while a student at the College.

“I love being back on campus,” said Chen. “I love the atmosphere. Since I worked closely with some of the staff and professors while I was a student, it actually was not a hard transition for me.”

Since August 2014, Chen has worked as assistant director and recruitment coordinator of the Emory & Henry Honors Program. “Having graduated from the Honors Program and having an idea of the things that students need has made my job a lot easier. In fact, I had projects in mind even before the first day of work.”

Zach Triplett: Career Takes Off

Zach Triplett: Career Takes Off

Zach Triplett said the values he learned at Emory & Henry are shaping him into a successful person who isn’t afraid to reach for the stars, or rather, the clouds.

Triplett is a flight attendant for Delta Air Lines, a job that allows him to travel throughout the world. “And, I actually get paid for it, too,” said the 2010 alumnae, a resident of Port Orange, Florida. “I love my job because no day is ever the same.”

The sky is the limit for the E&H grad. In the Spring of 2013, Triplett received his Private Pilot certificate and in the next couple years, he plans to earn the remaining ratings and licenses in order to become a commercial airline pilot.

Henri Fitzgerald: Success Inspired by Service

Henri Fitzgerald: Success Inspired by Service

While most of his classmates were adjusting to being away from home, Emory & Henry alumnus Henri Fitzgerald was juggling a college education and raising a family.

“I was a parent for most of my time at Emory & Henry, so my family was very important to me,” said Fitzgerald. “I wanted to set a good example, so I tried to excel at everything I tried. This included being a father, husband, athlete, volunteer and good citizen.”

It’s clear the alumnus is no stranger to accomplishing the goals he sets for himself. In 2000, Fitzgerald graduated with a bachelor of science degree in business management and a bachelor of arts degree in political science.

Student Help Homeless on Trip to NYC

Student Help Homeless on Trip to NYC

Seventeen Emory & Henry College students travelled to New York City in March to assist in projects related to hunger and homelessness.

The students, who are E&H Bonner Scholars, sorted and distributed food in large-scale food pantries, cooked and served meals to homeless guests, and assisted in childcare facilities. Bonner Scholars are awarded scholarship in recognition of their commitments to service.

Bonner Scholars Assist with Carnival in McDowell County, West Virginia

Bonner Scholars Assist with Carnival in McDowell County, West Virginia

Being born and raised in Tazewell County in Southwest Virginia, I know first-hand the struggles and challenges that living in a coal mining community can have on every aspect of human life.

A nearby town in McDowell County, W. Va., also knows the challenges of this lifestyle all too well. War, a once booming coal mining town and the place to go in the 1940s, is now a ghost town due to the trickle-down effect of losing the major economic sector of the community.

Bonner Scholar Develops Saturday Reading Program

Bonner Scholar Develops Saturday Reading Program

Kindergarten student Quentin Larkey rarely missed an opportunity to read books each Saturday morning this semester with Emory & Henry students who volunteered at a children’s reading program at the Glade Spring Library.

His mother, Rachel Larkey, said her son was very excited to attend the reading program each week. “Toward the end of the semester, he was already reading easy readers. It helped him tremendously with his skills.”

Olivia Bailey Talks About Her Communications Internship with CNN

Olivia Bailey Talks About Her Communications Internship with CNN

Olivia Bailey’s dream of becoming a reporter began with “The Funky Monkey,” the school newspaper she created and distributed during fifth grade. As a student enrolled in Emory & Henry’s mass communications department, she is a step closer to reaching her lifelong goal.

E&H Bonner Scholar Pilots New Study Abroad Program in Ireland

E&H Bonner Scholar Pilots New Study Abroad Program in Ireland

This semester, I have served.

I have served myself by traveling to Ireland, a country I could only dream of before this experience. I have served Emory & Henry College by piloting a new program in partnership with International Partnership for Service Learning (IPSL) that incorporates service-learning into study abroad experiences. More importantly, though, I have been able to serve the Dublin, Ireland, community.


Henri Fitzgerald: Success Inspired by Service

Henri Fitzgerald: Success Inspired by Service

While most of his classmates were adjusting to being away from home, Emory & Henry alumnus Henri Fitzgerald was juggling a college education and raising a family.“I was a parent for most of my time at Emory & Henry, so my family was very important to me,” said Fitzgerald. “I wanted to set a good example, so I tried to excel at everything I tried. This included being a father, husband, athlete, volunteer and good citizen.”